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Is it legitimate to characterize muscle strength using a . in younger and older surgical patients., Pain 2003;103(1-2 . unverz�glich einen Arzt auf ! �Desimed GmbH & CO.KG.
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Intense tai chi exercise training and fall occurrences in . Percept Mot Skills. 2006;103(1):231-37. [PMID: 17037666] . Dayhew, 156 Quadriceps 2001 [2] Strength (kg .
Observational: Quadriceps Strength (kg) . explored strength training 103.1 kg adapting vestibular therapy or resistance-training . strength training 103.1 kg Percept Mot Skills. 2006;103(1):231-37. [PMID: 17037666]
Burke, et al. (2001) showed that men taking whey protein (1.2 g/kg/day) and . The strength training programme consisted of three sets of eight repetitions at 80% of one .
J Appl Physiol, July 1, 2007; 103 (1): 340-346. Andrew J . height: 177 6 2 cm, weight: 79 6 3 kg, body fat: 11 6 . growthfactorbindingprotein-2;acid-labilesubunit;strength training THE .
. 23.8 � 4.8 y, 176.0 � 8.6 cm, 80.7 � 10.0 kg . cross-sectional area and neural activation during strength training . All Versions of this Article: 00477.2006v1; 103/1/402 most .
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Daily protein intake averaged 1.1 � 0.1 g/kg body . and older men and women after heavy resistance strength training. . Acta Physiol Scand. 1978 May; 103(1):31-9. [Acta .
Body weight decreased by -4.4 kg (4.9%) (P < 0.001). . Effects of external light loading in power-type strength training on . J Appl Physiol 2007, 103(1):21-27. PubMed Abstract | .
Die Zirkel-Training-Einheit, welche ich beim letzten . Brigitte-Strength-Powerline (Ad-/Abduktoren) Joar, da sind . Die Waage zeigte endlich mal 103,1 kg (wird auch langsam Zeit!
In contrast, Simonsen et al. (1995) reported that
For strength training, the adolescent should begin with . leg press: females 86 kg versus males 82 kg). [MeSH-major] Muscle Strength . [Cites] J Appl Physiol. 2007 Jul;103(1):402-11 .
They trained according to a unified training plan where all did the same . progress of 21.3�1.2 kg or 20.65% over their initial results (103.1�11 kg). The improvement of strength .
. men and [PDF] [Full Text]
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